We’ve had a bunch of 6″ toy images but what about the 3.75″ scale toys? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

For those collectors with a little less shelf space the 3.75″ scale figures are ideal. While lacking the awesome Build-A-Figures of the 6″ lines they more than make up for it by including more obscure characters such as the headline figure from the Avengers Infinite Series 2 – Death’s Head! Ideal for any Marvel OR Transformers fan!

Wave 2 includes the aforementioned Death’s Head, Red She-Hulk, the Eric Masterson Thor, Cap’n Steve (Super Soldier), Whirlwind, Yellowjacket and frikkin’ BETA RAY BILL! Hasbro also released some early images of Ares and Deathlock from Series 3! Check out the images below!

The writer of this piece was: DaveavDavid McIntyre aka (Big Dave) You can also find David on  Facebook