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Writer: Tim Seeley
Artist: Victor Drujiniu

Wow does this book throw you into the action!

A new from Dark Horse, the story follows a college student who has been bestowed with magical powers via a spell book. There’s a lot of nice humorous touches like why he’s using a ‘Batman voice’ and the fact that a costumed hero in today’s society looks ridiculous.

The art is a bit raw in parts but it’s so contrastingly dark and colourful that it flows really well. I honestly think Mike Norton has made me never be able to look an a nursery in the same way again and to be fair, while the costume does look odd in a modern-day setting, I want that coat!

Dark humour, good art, magic, evil babies, need I say any more?

Rating: 7/10.

The writer of this piece was: Chris_AvatarChris Bennett
Article: I Hate It Here
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