BadAss01CovBessadiPublisher: Dynamite Comics
Writers: Herik Hanna
Artists: Bruno Bessadi
Release Date: 22nd January 2014

My first review for this week comes from Dynamite, written by Herik Hanna with art by Bruno Bessadi. It is suggested for Mature readers and I, after reading, would strongly agree. The comic is called Bad Ass and it was pretty much just that.

We are introduced to a new hero/villain dressed in a black suit with a black mask and my – favorite part of the attire – classic black and white Converse All-Stars. He is known only as Dead End, and from what I can gather he has the ability to wreak havoc with the simplest of actions. For instance, flicking a coin at a civilian and causing a whole chain reaction of events that all end in chaos or death. Dead End is also quite the fighter, and seems to have some martial arts skills as well as being pretty crafty with a weapon. We get glimpses into Dead End’s past and see that he wasn’t always the “Bad Ass” killing, chaos causing machine he is now, but a more clumsy, insecure awkward teen.

The story takes place in what looks like China Town in any major city where Dead End appears to have ties to a China Town gang led by a half-man half-Dragon calling themselves the Green Dragon Gang. Following the meeting with the Green Dragon Gang we are introduced to another hero/villain in the form of a female who calls herself “Amadeus Kitty.” Dressed in renaissance style clothing complete with white wig and a masquerade cat mask and ears, she wields a violin and music note shaped throwing knives. It would seem that these two have history of some kind yet not quite touched upon, but this is left on a cliffhanger to lead into the next issue.

The story brings to mind elements of Deadpool, Wanted, and even a little Kick Ass yet mangaes to have it’s own unique qualities. While the character names seem a little simple and on-point, the story moved along at a decent pace and leaves you wanting to read more about this mysterious man in black known as Dead End. The writing is done fairly well with the intelligent and witty quips back and forth between characters and the flashback elements providing a little more depth to the new character. I found the book to read fast and leave you wanting the next issue stat, particularly with the abrupt end to the first chapter. After the first read I’m on board for the next ish, if only to find out just what this maniac in black is all about!

Rating: 7/10.

Review by: Shane Hoffman (AKA “Hoff”)

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