21547Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Mike Mignola, John Arcudi
Artist: Tonci Zonjic
Release Date: 5th February 2014

I should start by saying this book is good, very good in fact. Set in “old-timey” times, I even caught myself reading the radio voice in a stereotypical “radio voice” that was popular at the time. From the get-go, the tone is established that this is going to be another pulp noir type book, but written with a familiar twist that any fan of the Mingnola-verse should be used to.

There are proper giggle moments with the wrestling scene, but at the same time, the pacing makes it seem more exciting than it actually is. This is where there book is let down slightly. Pulp noir has seen a resurgence recently, both from Dark Horse publishing the likes Black Beetle and the tag team of Brubaker and Philips (it doesn’t seem to matter what company they’re with) we are spoiled for choice. Even other Mingnola works such as the B.P.R.D. stuff set in the 40’s or the recent Sledgehammer books have all been spectacular and this series just doesn’t seem to capture that with the first issue. I’m being picky though, as its still damn sure worth a read.

Not being familiar with Zonjic’s previous work, it was a beautiful introduction, with bleak backdrops and character design reminiscent of the era and Dave Stewart’s colouring doing exactly what I’ve known it to and making everything pop off the page. Not much more can be said about the art to be honest, but that’s not a bad thing, it was just very, very good!

Overall it was a fun read, and I know that the issues to come will be just as good, I just think I was expecting a bit more from a first issue.

Rating: 4/5.

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The writer of this piece was: Chris_AvatarChris Bennet
Article: I Hate It Here
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