24061Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Frank Barbiere
Artist: Tony Cypress
Release Date: 19th February 2014

Mysterious killers dressed all in white are said to have savaged the Cold War Soviet underworld—then disappeared.  Sarah Anderson’s father, a State Department official, also vanished at that same time. The White Suits have now resurfaced and Sarah is convinced that they and the fate of her missing father are somehow linked.

Some of you may be familiar with White Suits from its previous life as part of the ‘Dark Horse Presents’ series. However, this issue is the first of a 4-part solo series. This first book is clearly utilised to simply lay the groundwork for what is sure to be a fantastic story. The description of the story that I have given above is based on the “synopsis” from inside the book’s cover, as this story is certainly not clear from within the pages of Issue . The main story thread in Issue follows the return of the White Suits and the terror this return instils in the current “Kingpins” of organised crime in this unnamed city. It is sick, it is twisted, it is bloody and it is brutal. It is great.

The art in White Suits reminds me of an art-school project, with each panel looking crudely drawn with a range of felt tip pens. The graphic violence is highlighted even further by the restricted colour use, with only black, white and red appearing on Tony Cypress’s colour palette. I look forward to following this story, to see if it can live up to the groundwork that has been laid in this issue. Big out peeps.

Rating: 3/5.

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The writer of this piece was: Blair Stevenson
You can also find Blair on Twitter.