23858Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Chris Sebela
Artist: Ryan Sook, Drew Johnson
Release Date: 12th March 2014

Dark Horse is going strong still with its super hero titles under the “Black Sky Project”, woth Ghost being one of the few female characters who is holding her own. It seems the Demon slaying Ghost has found herself making a deal with the proverbial devil to gain information about Elisa’s past life, when she realizes the last host she freed from demon possession knew her in her past life. This issue takes us into the underbelly of the demon community in search of Doctor October as well as answers promised by Beleth. Meanwhile, her allies are still investigating the White City Butcher.

Kelly Sue DeConnick and Chris Sebela have put together a well-crafted engaging storyline that manages to grab our attention with action right from the jump. The events of the first issue only ignite the flame that continues to grow in issue 2, and these flames end up grow even more as we lead into the third installment of the story. The quest for knowledge of her past as well as her burning desire to wipe out the dark things of this world are well portrayed and well balanced in the character of Ghost. You can feel the conflict and longing to know her past, and her struggles to reconcile that with the knowledge of all the good she can achieve as Ghost.

Having two artists tackle any issue of any comic can be a challenge that often time fails or leaves the reader with the feeling of a broken story. It is a major win when two artists can almost seamlessly switch from one to the next and Ryan Sook and Drew Johnson do just that. I found that I didn’t even really notice that the pencil duties switched while reading even going back through and counting the pages to the switch I still had difficulty picking out the subtle differences. To me that is a huge feat to accomplish, I’ve read comics before where artist switch mid-way through a story and it takes you completely out of the story and makes it feel as if two totally different stories are taking place, even though the writing is constant and one fluid story the artwork is the visual telling and when it is a drastic noticeable change it takes the reader out of that moment in the story. To you Mr. Sook and Mr. Johnson I say well-done gentleman, well done!

Rating: 4/5.

The writer of this piece was: Shane Hoffman (aka “Hoff”)
You can also find Hoff on Twitter.

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