lazarus-08Publisher: Image Comics
Greg Rucka
Artist: Michael Lark
Release Date:
23rd April 2014

Jumping into this story eight issues in and at part four of a story arc initially left me at something of a loss in terms of figuring out just what is going on. That being said, I still found myself fascinated and interested in this particular story.

I’m not too familiar with the classes of people in the story, but from what I can gather this dystopian future is divided into those who matter (meaning they have either wealth or power of some kind) and those who are deemed expendable (which, I guess, would be everyday people like you and I). Among these classes, there is a group rebelling against the “Families” (the aforementioned ‘people that matter’) and this arc is following a plot where they intend to unleash a bomb at a time and place of significance. The rebellion is attacked and taken into custody, but one is unaccounted for and no bomb is found. Where has this member disappeared to, and how will the “Family” stop this tragedy from happening?

The storytelling on display here by Greg Rucka is actually quite engaging. Even being at a loss jumping into the story relatively late in the game, I still found myself truly drawn into the story. The characters seem well developed and all the parts of the story definitely point to the whole. The artistic team of Michael Lark and Brian Level also do an outstanding job of bringing this gritty reality to life. It is a world which can be dark and violent at times, but also detailed and vibrant at others. And, based on this issue, I personally found myself wanting to go back and catch up on the ‘story so far’ before continuing on to see what transpires in the future.

Rating: 4/5.

The writer of this piece was: Shane Hoffman (aka “Hoff”)
You can also find Hoff on Twitter.

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