Words : Brian Michael Bendis

Art: Nick Bradshaw, Sara Pichelli

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Of the big two’s offerings this was in my opinion the stronger… not that it is an either/or exercise.

This head a number of back up teasers for other upcoming comics included in addition to the main Guardians and all offered something very interesting but first let’s take a closer look at the main story.

This essentially is just Venom’s enlistment into the Guardians, admittedly when I first heard he would be joining I was very doubtful about his fit with the team – to me he felt like a street level hero like his Thunderbolt colleagues The Punisher or Elektra [you just don’t think of them as cosmic], but as the story unfolded changed my opinion quite a bit. What this issue reminded me was that Flash is essentially just a good soldier so he seemed like someone that would take orders but as a symbiote could be a major player and equally a threat.

Nick Bradshaw’s pencils were pretty great but Pichelli’s cover art is the clincher, it definitely invites you to read the rest of the book.

This makes me pretty interested about seeing how it is followed up. It wasn’t on my regular list but job done! – I could see myself picking thse up.

As for the back up teasers we have further Guardians shenanigans in Jim Starlin’s upcoming Thanos trade was interesting if brief but the second back up feature Amazing Spider-Man 1.1 was really interesting for example seeing Spider-Man of 1602 again was pretty exciting especially building into the Spider-Verse storyline that is later this year.

rating: 4/5

The writer of this piece was:
Gary Kane (GK)
Gary tweet from @Kanoclassic