25242Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Richard Corben
Artist: Richard Corben
Release Date: 11th June 2014

Richard Corben adapts Edgar Allan Poe for Dark Horse Comics. That alone should be enough to convince any discerning reader to part with their hard-earned, but in case anyone needs convincing…

Two of the master’s shorts are brought to life here, Morella and Murders In The Rue Morgue.

The former is a wonderfully gothic tale of love and death, one that sees Corben take slight liberties with the source material, but to no great detriment to the story. Poe’s depiction of a disturbing relationship is perfectly intact and looks suitably creepy when brought to life by Corben’s stylised art.

It’s the classic Murders In The Rue Morgue that makes this title worth buying though. Richard Corben’s art is so perfectly suited to this story it isn’t true. Visceral without being to overtly gross, Corben somehow manages to create a sense of dread and unease from even the most innocuous of panels, while his depiction of the sailor and his “pet” are perfectly realised.

All horror fans need this comic in their lives. Simple as that.

Rating: 5/5.

The writer of this piece was: Jules Boyle
Jules tweets from @Captain_Howdy