23594Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer(s): Paul Tobin
Artist(s): Juan Ferreyra
Release Date: 10th September 2014

Ceej Says…

This issue serves as the first chapter of Dark Horse’s eagerly anticipated shared universe featuring Aliens, Predator, Aliens versus Predator, and – of course – Prometheus. And while the other strands of this tangled web are blessed with (more or less) evergreen franchises, the Prometheus arc is undeniably a bit of a tougher sell. Ridley Scott’s 2012 movie took a lot of flak for what was perceived as a rambling, borderline incoherent storyline filled with gaping plot-holes, so the comic was always going to have some serious work to do if it wanted to erase the bad feeling a lot of fans have towards this particular franchise.

Step forward Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra, who perform a more than admirable job of trying to straighten everything out in this impressive debut issue, laying the groundwork for what promises to be a sprawling, interconnected storyline. Yes, there’s a lot of set-up and exposition in this issue. And I mean a lot. The fallout from the movie is dealt with (to a point, anyway), new characters are introduced, concepts are established, groundwork is laid… you get the general idea. And in a less capable set of hands, it could definitely come across as a little dry. Fortunately however, Tobin keeps things moving forwards as briskly as possible, focusing primarily on the characters who are likely to play a larger role in the future while glossing over others who – most likely – won’t.

It also doesn’t hurt that, even when drawing completely unknown characters having relatively innocuous conversations, Juan Ferreyra’s artwork is still absolutely beautiful. He keeps the exposition section as eye-catching as you could hope for, but really gets a chance to flex his artistic muscle once the crew touches down on LV-223, bringing his own unique approach to the native flora and fauna. I can’t really go into much detail without spoiling the book, but there are a lot of subtle nods to the other strands of this web, and it’s clear that there’s a far larger plan afoot here in terms of bringing all the different franchises together.

Oh, and that final panel? Oh god yes.

So yeah, a bit of a slow start perhaps, but consider me on board for the foreseeable future – as if there was ever any doubt with this particular creative team at the helm.

Rating: 4/5.

Martin Says…

As the first entry in Dark Horse’s new ‘Fire and Stone’ crossover event, Prometheus was always going to bear a heavy burden of expectation. Thankfully, it bears that responsibility very well, and then some. Although ostensibly an extended introduction to the main characters and central premise, PFaS never feels like an exposition heavy information dump, thanks in no small part to Paul Tobin’s cleverly conceived opening and impeccable pacing.

The main narrative takes place after the events of both Prometheus and Aliens with the tone pitched somewhere in between. Character backgrounds and motivations of the more central figures are established in an efficient manner that doesn’t feel contrived, but at this early stage no-one is developed beyond the readily identifiable tropes synonymous with filmic canon. We are also introduced to a number of supporting characters through the viewfinder of a video camera, and a staple scenario of the sci-fi genre, the ‘post-hyper-sleep-canteen-sequence’.

The undoubted highlight of this first issue, though, is the art of Juan Ferreyra, which is breath-taking from start to finish. Not an inch of panel space is wasted here; each and every character and background is meticulously detailed and naturally coloured. From its bleak unforgiving landscape to its nascent jungle environment, every facet of LV-223 is beautifully rendered in a series of spectacular two page vistas that foster a real sense of scale. The issue also features some new additions to the series’ roster of beasts, by way of Ferreya’s innovative creature design.

Prometheus: Fire and Stone is a spectacular start to a highly anticipated event, by a creative team at the top of their game. Hopefully, the other teams involved in this crossover can match their level.

Rating: 5/5.


[Click thumbnail for full size image]

4 responses to “Joint Review – Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1 (of 4) (Dark Horse)”

  1. […] #1 – REVIEW (Martin and Ceej) – 9/10 Issue #2 – Review Coming Soon! Issue #3 – Review Coming Soon! Issue #4 – Review […]

  2. […] been treated to some of the preview artwork for the series, and given how impressed we were with Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1 last week, excitement is running high here at BCP for the next part of this […]

  3. […] Dark Horse’s new “Fire and Stone” crossover event kicked off in style this past week, with Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra’s Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1 scoring a combined 9/10 in our joint review. […]

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