BOOM_Robocop_008_A_Main - CopyPublisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Carlos Magno
Release Date: 4th February, 2015

It’s yet another action-filled issue for RoboCop, but we also get to see the status-quo of this particular story get violently overhauled.

Starting with an extended action sequence, this issue revels in some acts which may have never even made it past the censors for the original films. RoboCop’s anger is apparent in his actions, if not in his calm, but authoritative dialogue. To take down Killian’s gang, and more specifically their ED-2000X, RoboCop really has to get his hands dirty.

Newly-minted-Detective Lewis also sees her first story-arc completed, as her investigation attempts to smash through the image that Killian has built for himself. Unfortunately, with the people of Detroit desperate for their folk-hero, and OCP still interested in using him for their own means, Killian remains in play for this story. In an issue which could have very easily drawn a neat line under what has come so far, it is great to see that Joshua Williamson is prepared to keep changing character allegiances and motivations to add further intrigue to this story.

My only complaint about the art would be that while charging about and changing direction on his new special legs, RoboCop can appear stilted in the transition between panels. However, given the subject being a massive metal man famous for his stilted walk, and the story requirements for faster action, this is entirely forgivable. When taken alone, each panel really conveys the sense of power and unstoppable momentum that Robo seems to carry on his new gams.

Oh and an additional shout-out goes to Williamson for his impressive working-in of one of Nintendo’s earliest, and most off-putting, adverts.

Rating: 4/5

ASavThe Writer of this piece was: Andrew Stevens
You can follow Andrew on Twitter

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