BorderlandsTV08-coverPublisher: IDW Publishing
Writer: Mikey Neumann
Artist: Agustin Padilla
Release Date: 15th April, 2015

So another arc of IDW’s ongoing Borderlands series has come to an end, and what an end it was, complete with everything we’ve come to expect from the series; big explosions, bigger guns, ridiculous plot points, and of course, dancing. Between the games and the comic, the Borderlands series is untouchable just now. With just the right level of humor and serious action, Neumann has managed to hit the sweet spot in-between that manages to avoid becoming too much of a joke, doing the game proud in the process.

Originally, the game didn’t dedicate too much time to characterisation. My memories of it tend to be stupidly big guns and things going ‘splody, but it has definitely been a nice change of pace to actually have characters given a personality that would normally be reserved for where the player would step in. After the heartwarming Tannis revelation previously, Claptrap took the heartbreaking limelight this issue, and our collective heartstrings were given a good old tug.

With a few derpy faces, the art isn’t quite perfect, and I’m still not a fan of the overly sexualised covers, but with that second page, a liberal use of the color purple, and “rum chop” now my new favorite way of bottle opening, it manages to capture the fun side of the book which I think could be easily overlooked

Wadoom was also pretty damn awesome.

Rating: 4/5.

P.S. I’m dancing too. 

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
You can also find Chris on Twitter.