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Publisher: IDW Publishing
Writer/Artist: James Stokoe
Release Date: 26th August, 2015

When it comes to monsters, I’m a woman of simple tastes. I don’t need some convoluted backstory or human protagonists steeped in tragedy. I just want to see monsters beating the hell out of other monsters. Indeed, one of my primary complaints with the latest western cinematic adaption of Godzilla was that Edwards featured too much emoting and not enough action. Thankfully, the ‘Godzilla in Hell’ series provides a soothing balm for my otherwise woeful disappointment in the King of Monsters of late.

The second issue doesn’t deviate from the formula laid down by James Stokoe. Godzilla encounters Hell’s version of a prior foe; Godzilla battles said foe; Godzilla emerges victorious. There’s some sparse narrative included this time around, but I think Eggleton does himself a disservice in doing so.  The beauty of Stokoe’s first issue was its simplicity, allowing the reader to fully appreciate the artwork. The craft on display here is no less magnificent and the panels speak loudly enough by themselves to render text completely unnecessary.

Eggleton takes our leviathan through a variety of landscapes, from a ruined city in an apocalyptic hell to stormy seas populated by demons. Fiery reds mix with murky blues to depict a truly inhospitable environment devoid of hope for even the deadliest of creatures. There are so many elements to enjoy along the journey, but the up-close drawings of Godzilla’s eye and the varying expressions captured on his face are wonderful overlays to the rich backdrop Eggleton’s created.

Unlike the previous issue, each panel resembles a painting, with Eggleton citing several artists as his inspiration. The effect is simply stunning. I doubt the term ‘gorgeous’ has ever been used to describe a Godzilla comic before, but to hell with it (pardon the pun), I’m using it. It is that beautiful I’d pick this one up even if you aren’t usually a fan. I’ll admit, this little plot is unlikely to be to everyone’s tastes, but for me, the overall package delivers nonetheless.

Rating: 4/5.

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The writer of this piece was: Claire Stevenson
Claire Tweets from @cookie___raider.