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Publisher: BOOM! Studios (KaBOOM! Imprint)
Writer: Roger Langridge
Artist: Andy Hirsch
Release Date: 9th March, 2016

Two weeks, ago Ceej had the good fortune to interview Roger Langridge and Andy Hirsch and they gave us a great insight into their new title, The Baker Street Peculiars.  Set in 1930’s London, and as Roger Langridge told us, It’s essentially a tale about a gang of kid who investigate cases with a supernatural or paranormal bent. There’s definitely a Sherlock Holmes connection, but not quite as we know it.

The Peculiars are made up of three youngsters and a dog, and this first issue is our introduction to Molly, Rajani, Humphrey and Wellington (the aforementioned dog). Three disparate youngsters from very different backgrounds, brought together as they chase an animated stone lion through the streets of London

I’m still trying to work out why the three of them all ran separately after the big stone lion that was rampaging through London, but they did. I suppose it’s as good a way as any to get to know one another, but it did leave me scratching my head a bit. Anyway, after the chase and a short rest, our heroes meet the world famous detective himself, Sherlock Holmes. They pitch for a job and hey presto, we have the Baker Street Peculiars.

It’s definitely an all-ages story, and certainly aimed at a younger audience. Langridge does a fairly decent job in introducing us to the “Peculiars” and gives them each pleasantly strong back stories. Langridge also gives us a very interesting take on Holmes too. One I didn’t see coming.

Hirsch does an excellent job of presenting an evocative look at 1930’s London, while at the same time keeping the characters expressively cartoonesque. He said in the recent interview that he has enjoyed indulging his love of textures and detail, and it definitely shows here. Fred Stresing does a good job with the colours too. They complement Hirsch’s art nicely.

Overall this isn’t a bad first issue. There are peaks and troughs, and I still don’t quite understand the Peculiars’ initial motivation, but it doesn’t detract too much from an otherwise solid tale.

Rating: 3/5.

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If you want to find out more about The Baker Street Peculiars, make sure to check out our interview with Roger Langridge and Andy Hirsh by CLICKING HERE.

The writer of this piece was: John Wallace
John Tweets from @jmwdaredevil.