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Publisher: Darby Pop
Writer: Garth Matthams
Artist: Armin Ozdic
Release Date: 27th, April, 2016

What do you do if your pet finger won’t eat or drink? How do you even feed something that doesn’t have a mouth? And why is the finger even alive in the first place!? Do these questions sound like the nonsensical thoughts of a madman? Well fear not, as it’s actually the plot of The Living Finger, a brand new series from writer Garth Matthams and illustrator Armin Ozdic.

The story centres around Jason, a shy, socially awkward aspiring writer whose latest story is inspired by the living finger he has locked up in a cage in his house. All Jason knows is that it’s a female’s finger, so he gives it the name Wendy – and she wants a body.

The ‘loner seeking companionship’ story is as old as the medium itself, but Jason’s situation is unlike any other in the history of the medium. Most of us have been single and frustrated, waiting for a female to come along. Nowadays, most people turn to Tinder – maybe even the occasional blow-up doll – but an unexplained dismembered finger represents some truly bottom-of-the-barrel standards. Needless to say, The Living Finger is wholly original and immediately intriguing, and as you’d expect from a story like this, it’s very funny in a deadpan sort of way.

Ozdic’s panels are clear, concise and meticulous. It allows the reader to follow the story from a visual standpoint without needless exposition. Matthams’ allows the story to progress through character interactions, and it does so at a brisk pace. The characters are well-developed and likeable, and you’ll look forward to spending more time with them in future.

Surprisingly, The Living Finger doesn’t feel like it’s going to be schlock horror for the sake of it. The premise is a wonderful set-up for murderous hilarity, but the first issue establishes a tragically funny human reasoning for the inevitable supernatural mayhem. There’s a genuine heart and charm permeating throughout that makes me think this series is going to be a winner. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5/5.

The trade paperback collecting the entire series of The Living Finger goes on sale July 20th, but you can pick up this first two issues right now from ComiXology.

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The writer of this piece was: Kieran Fisher
Kieran Tweets from @HairEverywhere_.