Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Eddy Barrows/Eber Ferreira
Release Date: 27th September 2017

A Tim Drake centered issue, you say? Shut up and take my money right now!

Finally, we get to see what Tim Drake has been up to since his capture. Most of the issue is a dialogue between Drake and Mr. Oz (who it appears really is who he was revealed to be in Action Comics #987, quashing my red herring idea). This is by no means a bad thing, especially with James Tynion IV at the helm, leading to an enjoyable, if dialogue-heavy issue.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the first retelling of Tim’s Origin story Post-Rebirth. Now it was Dick Grayson he approaches, not Bruce, a subtle change I actually really like if I’m honest, and Tynion manages to make it all fall together in a way that strengthens the bond between the two Boy Wonders.

On the whole it seems like an issue where both everything and nothing happens. With a lot of explaining and talking, and the action being saved for the last few pages (no comment), it could have been a dud. However, with the retelling of Tim’s story, and more information on just who Oz is, it still manages to stay exciting.

Similarly to the Metal tie-in this week, the high point of the book is the art, with the flashbacks/video screens being a favourite. In an issue where the predominant colour is black, the art team of Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira are really given a time to shine. With irregular panels, lots of bright colours, and unusual page layouts, it’s a damn fine looking book.

While at times, dialogue-heavy books can fall into the trap of “here is my plan in every minute detail”, “well here is how I’m going to stop you in every minute detail”, but here we get a deeper insight into possibly the most interesting member of the Bat family, who it would seem is gearing up for a massive push.

If you’re already reading Detective Comics, you already know how good it has been recently, and if you’ve only just picked this up and it doesn’t change your mind, then there’s clearly something wrong with you. Just sayin’

An absolute must buy for Bat fans, Tim Drake fans, and everyone in between.

Rating: 4.5/5

[Click to Enlarge]

chrThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
You can also find Chris on Twitter.

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