Publisher: DC Comics
Writers/Artists/Inkers: Brian Michael Bendis, John Cassaday, Olivier Coipel, Paul Dini, Jose Luise Garcia-Lopez, Patrick Gleason, Butch Guice, Geoff Johns, Dan Jurgens, Tom King, Jim Lee, Clay Man, Brad Meltzer, Jerry Ordway, Tim Sale, Louise Simonson, Scott Snyder, Curt Swan, Peter J. Tomasi, Marv Wolfman
Cover Art: Scott Williams, Jim Lee
Release Date: 18th April 2018

It’s pretty much impossible to overstate the significance of this issue. So I’m going to sidestep that altogether, because ultimately what matters is whether it’s a good comic, and everything else is secondary, milestone or otherwise.

I’ve really enjoyed Jurgens’ recent run on the big blue, and I’m typically team Bat all the way. Whilst arguably it hasn’t quite reached the heights of the iconic Death of Superman (which I appreciate was not just Jurgens, but mostly), it’s generally been a more subtle, nuanced take on Superman, with father/son relationships taking centre stage throughout.

Heck, I even enjoyed his take on Booster Gold in the final main story arc pre-1000, despite typically loathing the character. And whilst Bendis probably remains my favourite Marvel writer of the last 20 years (just edging out Mark Waid and Tom King), I’ll admit to being a bit wary of how he’ll take over the cape, even though the tease of his Man of Steel is definitely intriguing.

Meanwhile, there’s a who’s who of DC Talent old and new in this 80-page anniversary issue – I was particularly excited to see the legendary Louise Simonson writing Supes again. Hers focuses, as one might expect, on some to the supporting Super-cast (Bippo!), and is a great romp.

It’s a rich and wonderful collection of tales, and it’s hard to pin down any one. Other highlights include a poignant tale of our world’s end from Tom King, haunting art from Olivier Coipel on Geoff Johns’ contribution, and a magnificent ‘60s throwback variant cover from Michael Allred and Laura Allred.

However, if I had to pick, the stand-out story from the issue for me comes from Tomasi and Gleason, who create a brilliant, epoch-spanning tale that (somehow) manages to wrap up and reconcile the entire Superman continuity effortlessly.

There’s no denying that this is a must-have piece of comics history. But it’s also a damn fine comic.

Rating: 5/5.


SAMDAVThe Writer of this piece was: Sam Graven
Article Archive:Geeking Out
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