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Writers: Brandon Montclare
Artist: Amy Reeder

While drawn absolutely beautifully, Rocket Girl’s first outing struggles to get in gear but starts to shape up towards the end and looks like it could be a good wee read in the long run.

Dayoung Johannson is a 15 year old teen cop from the future who has travelled back in time to 1986 to prevent a corrupt corporation from altering time to benefit their standing on the business ladder in the future…..and oh yeah… she flies around on a rocket pack!

The story kinda gets off to a non start but it’s down to trying to cram in too many wee bits of information into the first issue rather than feed us bigger portions over a longer period. It’s not a bad read but you’ll probably be scratching your head a little and wondering who all of these characters are that have just been thrown in your face within the first four panels.

It’s not a bad read though and it picks up a bit towards the end of the issue as Dayoung realises the new your of 1986 is not the new york she knows and will need to tread carefully to avoid changing her future too drastically.

Amy Reeders artwork is really the icing on the cake though and is just freakin awesome to look at, SERIOUSLY JUST LOOK AT IT! Definitely one worth sticking with to see how it develops so watch this space.

Rating: 7/10.

The writer of this piece was: Jamie_AvatarJamie Wilson aka (J)
Article: Stuff and Things
You can also find Jamie on Facebook

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