25017Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Geoff Darrow
Artist: Geoff Darrow, Dave Stewart
Release Date: 8th January 2014

The bamboo staff with a chainsaw at each end is long gone and the Shaolin Cowboy is exhausted. Thousands of zombies lay dead (well – more dead) but the rest of the hoard shamble forward. Shaolin Cowboy versus the hordes of hell. Round 4. Fight!

The art throughout this arc has been great. The disgusting naked zombies each sport tattoos or piercings and these little details, when combined with the enormous scale, makes such a grim spectacle. There are no sound effects which works well on a few levels. It doesn’t slow down the flow of action or take up space within the art. The silence also seems to capture the inner quiet of the character himself. The action is relentless and the choreography flows from panel to panel so well that you’ll begin to chuckle at what you’re effectively watching: the possible last stand of a slightly podgy Shaolin Monk kicking the shit out of an army of zombie rednecks.

A four issue fight scene shouldn’t work this well but looking back it has been an experience. It’s like Yuen Woo-ping on acid and this arc has been a rare treat. It’s bravely original, refreshingly unique and has an ending that will change your day. Also, just look at that cover.

Rating: 9/10.

The writer of this piece was: James McQueen
You can also find James on Twitter.