black-science-03Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Matteo Scalera
Release Date: 29th January 2014

Up until I was tasked with writing the review for Black Science issue I had never heard of the series. All I can say is that, having now read the previous issues back to back followed by the third, I’m completely hooked!  I had no prior knowledge of writer Rick Remender but I will definitely be looking for some of his previous work, especially the Fear Agent series I saw talked about not only at the end of issue one but also by BCP’s own “Big Dave” in his stellar review of Black Science #1.  I’m not sure if I can follow up that review any better.  Great job, Dave!

Not only is the writing on this book of a higher standard than most titles on the shelves right now, and not only is the book extremely intelligent, but the artwork and colors are utterly eye catching and rich with color and texture. The writing draws you into the story with ease, the character development with each of the members is done very, very well. There are several characters that are the main focus and through either the ongoing narrative or through flashbacks, you learn the depth of each. The pace of the story continues to move briskly, keeping you turning pages and wanting more. With the lead character being injured in the second issue, we get the chance to see the other characters come to the front of the storytelling, giving us the reader a chance to see their importance to the series as a whole and not just as “backup” to Grant McKay.

The artwork I cannot even begin to describe. With the story set up the way it is, the only limitation to that we will see in upcoming issues truly lies within the writer and artists imagination. From the landscape of the first issue with its lush, brightly colored jungle environment and creatures, to the landscape of what could be earth complete with Thanagarian-like Native Americans fighting Germans, this whole thing is just incredibly impressive. I am left only imagining where they will take us with the next Pillar’s jump. Matteao Scalera and Dean White are two creative forces that I will definitely be keeping my eye out for in their future endeavors.

The beginning of this issues starts with a flashback giving a glimpse into the relationship between Grant and Rebecca that has only been hinted at in previous issues. Also, Ward is on his mission with Kadir and Shawn to capture the Shaman healer from the Native Americans to save Grant. Rebecca has to step up her role in the group to protect Grant’s children from a squad of Germans. And the issues finishes with a flashback of the events that lead up to the first Jump of the Pillar. This particular flashback serves well to catch up new readers, and allow readers from issue one to get a firmer grasp on what took place to get them to the first dimension, or layer of the “onion.” Another fantastic issue in the series that leaves you once again again hungry for the next! This is a series I will be keeping tabs on and can only imagine it’s just going to get better and better. If you like science fiction, great storytelling or just plain great artwork in your comics then I highly recommend this series.

Rating: 5/5.

Review by: Shane Hoffman (AKA “Hoff”)

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