 Mark Millar
Artist: Goran Parlov
Release Date:
 14th May 2014

Duke McQueen is back on Tantalus! One man, retired, definitely not in his prime, has returned to the planet he saved years ago to hopefully bring back hope to its inhabitants once again. The Queen is dead and the Kingfisher is systematically taking down those still loyal to the Queen. The young Space-boy returned to Earth to bring back the planet’s once savior to help free them from the tyranny of the Kingfisher. Now that Duke is back he cannot believe how the planet has changed. All the destruction the Kingfisher has caused, the city is overcrowded by citizens moving from the outer cities due to the Kingfisher drilling for resources and the planet just doesn’t look or feel the same. Duke and Space-boy are sneaking through the crowds of people when our hero sees the new Tantalus police beating a citizen in the street. Duke cannot stand for this so he gets involved, well involved is a mild way to put it, it’s like Duke channels Die Hard’s John McClane and takes care of business. Then the unexpected happens and we are left to wonder where the story will go next!

Mark Millar’s writing on this book is some of his best, in this humble reviewers opinion. The story is well thought out and flows at what I would call a cinematic pace. There is enough story and background, foreshadowing, and action to keep the reader entertained and on the edge of their seat wanting more. The characters are well developed and have not only their presence in the present but also a sense of back-story to each as well. The idea of a planet that lost hope, finding their hope once again in the man who saved them, though he has lost hope on his own planet is a story where you can root for the best and feel good about it!

Goran Pavrlov’s artwork, while at first I was not that excited about it, is growing on me with every flip of the page. The environments are unique and bring the alien planet to life in the panels. The characters are well definable and the costumes and designs fit what you would imagine you would find on an alien planet. There are a lot of panels where less truly is more, whether an action sequence showing only one character or just the main action taking place, which truly keeps your attention on what is going on, instead of flooding it with detail to distract you from what the story is leading you to. So while at times it may seem like there is a lack of detail, that truly is not the case it’s just that what’s important is there to keep the reader focused and not distracted with what is just filler.

Starlight seems to get better each passing issue, so if you are a fan of science fiction, in my opinion reminiscent of late 70s, 80s and maybe early 90s science fiction movies, then go out and jump into Starlight. The title could easily be switched to the Adventures of Duke McQueen and be on point, that’s truly what it boils down to, Duke McQueen savior of Tantalus!

Rating: 5/5.

The writer of this piece was: Shane Hoffman (aka “Hoff”)
You can also find Hoff on Twitter.

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