ROCRAC2014003-DC21-7fcd9Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer/Artist: Skottie Young
Release Date: 3rd September 2014

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Skottie Young was born to do this book! From the artistic style to the distinctive brand of humour, I honestly can’t think of anyone else that could do it better.

We continue to follow Rocket here as he escapes from the Ex-Terminators, trying to find this elusive other “Raccoon”. As great as the main story is, ts the small sight gags in the book I feel myself drawn to the most, like the onomatopoeic “Tail!” to the warp drive on the ship, this is one genuinely funny book!

Young’s art has always been hit or miss for me, the constant use of his ‘baby’ covers as super expensive variants doesn’t sit right, but bills need to be paid, right? His work on RR however is spot on; the overly childish, cartoony style makes the book seem all the more lighthearted, in amongst the gunfire and cussing, with everything to do with the “Sedan” just being gold!

As I’ve said in my Star Lord review, this is so much more fun than what is going on in the main GoTG book right now, and while it might not be the same iteration that people are used to from DnA’s run on Guardians, its a damn fine book and I can only hope Marvel don’t milk it for all its worth and ruin it.

Rating: 4/5.


[Click thumbnail for full size image]

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
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