Sirens_002_coverAPublisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer and Artist: George Pérez
Colourist: Leon Paciarotti
Released: 10th December 2014

After a dense, but satisfying opener, Sirens returns with another lovingly-crafted installment, and whilst as a stand-alone issue, it’ll leave you scratching your head, if you enjoyed the mad brilliance of the first, you’re in for an absolute treat here.

Continuing directly off from the, shall we say, somewhat genocidal final panels of its predecessor, herein we bear witness to our heroines attempting to fix that particular wrong.

The over-crowding of the pages touched on by Ceej in his review of issue is still the series’ most glaring issue – there’s a heck of a lot to take in, thanks to intricate layouts and massive bursts of dialogue and narration. But given the sheer craftmanship on display, it’s tough to truly hold this against it. Not a comic that you can read in passing, it requires… nay, demands that you settle down and really absorb it, ideally with a comfy chair, a cuppa and a biscuit or two.

Pérez’s art is still beautifully detailed, and even crammed-in as it may feel, you never lose sight of precisely what’sgoing on, with the pencils expertly directing you through the tangle of panels that constitute the layouts. The story progresses interestingly enough, and he manages to keep each of the Sirens’ dialogue feeling unique for each of them.

It of course remains to be seen precisely where Pérez is going with this, and ending with yet another cliffhanger is a bold move. But based on these first two issues, this promises to be a cracking slice of that little explored genre, feminist sci-fi. One to pick up.

Rating: 4/5

The Writer of this piece was: Ross Sweeney
Ross tweets from @Rostopher24