TechJacket_08Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Joe Keatinge
Artist: Khary Randolph
Release Date: 11th February, 2015

So, as it turns out, the Colossal that caused such consternation for Zack and the earth at large over the initial six issue arc is actually of Geldarian origin, built to combat the as-yet-unnamed planet devouring entity responsible for the subsequent annihilation of Geldaria. Unfortunately, their creation was a little too highly evolved, becoming self-aware and rebelling against its creators, leaving them defenseless against the impending existential threat.

This theme of ‘creation turning on creator’ is mirrored in the earlier subplot featuring Mr. Crowe and Stanley, and is one of many recurrent themes woven into the overarching narrative by Joe Keatinge. It ties neatly with another prominent theme given relevance in this issue; the dangers of arrogance in regard to technological evolution; reaching too far too soon without full knowledge of potential hazards. Through their hubris the Geldarians have raised the ire of a power beyond their comprehension, and it’s going to take a galaxy’s worth of champions to fight it.

The chess metaphor played out in an earlier issue takes on more significance here, too. Even as the scope of the world (or indeed universe) Keatinge is building continues to expand, he has subtly adjusted the focus of the central cast accordingly by diverting our attention with some crafty maneuvering of the pieces. However, given the reaction of Stanley to Zack’s willingness to lead the robot army, it would appear the endgame of this vast and elaborate puzzle might just be in sight.

Last month’s bombshell revelation involving Commander Xi and Lin is also given some meat in this issue, although upon reflection, this particular plot twist feels redundant to the point of being distracting. It doesn’t feel necessary in the grand scheme of things, given that Xi’s appearance and unquestionable desire to secure Lin’s safety is adequately addressed by dint of Lin being a Geldarian Princess. The love triangle aspect consequently feels forced and serves only to over-complicate proceedings.

There are no such wrinkles in the art department, however, with Khary Randolph delivering yet another visual tour de force. Seriously, this dude is one of the best in the business at creating scale through perspective, from his whirlwind cinematic opening that conveys the story of Geldaria’s creation, evolution, and ultimate destruction, to the spectacular sight of the Colossals networking to form the super massive weapon, it’s a feast for the eyes. It’s no surprise DC recently announced he’ll be the artist on the upcoming ‘We Are Robin’ series, one he is surely a perfect fit for.

Rating: 4/5.

MDAVThe Writer of this piece was: Martin Doyle
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