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Publisher: IDW Publishing
Story: Chris Ryall & Gabriel Rodriguez
Art: Jay Fotos
Release Date: 1st July, 2015

It’s 2083 and the world population has soared to such levels that cities have exploded, outwards and upwards, struggling to accommodate and provide for everyone. Green areas are heavily protected for their animals and produce, though they are under threat with each passing year. The UN has created the International Global Defense Corps to protect these shrinking areas. Sounds warm and fuzzy doesn’t it? This is future-fiction, and fiction of an increasingly believable kind.

Meteors fall on Nigeria and seem to bounce. The IGDC send out troops, Avin and Zain, to investigate but Zain doesn’t return. We are introduced, Ikea-Catalogue style, to the soldiers of Avin, one of which is a psychic. She is not liked by the others. Meanwhile, a Robocop/Silver Surfer looking creature lands, looking to wipe out mankind with the marked lack of care afforded his people.

Avin are attacked and Abigail, the psychic gets separated from the group and rescued by Onyx – the Robocop/ Silver Surfer guy. It doesn’t go well when the troop catch up with them. It all goes a bit mental then. Onyx has travelled through space and time so we get dinosaurs then it goes proper crazy – think Clash of the Titans, Godzilla, any of The Asylum films…I’ll be honest, I struggled.

This is a comic that deserves a few reads. There is simply too much dialogue, too many highly detailed panels and waay more concepts that I can keep straight. I suspect that should you persevere, you will be rewarded as this promises to be a solid series. The artwork straddles the Industrial Military feel with space and other-worldliness rather well – think Starship Troopers, but with more colour.

Rating: 3/5.

HAZHAVThe Writer of this piece was: Hazel Hay
You can follow Hazel on Twitter