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Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Tommy Patterson
Release Date: 4th November 2015

Politics and evil have always gone together hand-in-hand. We’ve all heard about politicians selling their souls for power, prosperity and prestige. However, aside from a few conspiracy theories, the part about selling their soul doesn’t mean actually selling it to a demon. That’s not the case for Jack Noworthy, a disgraced, foul-mouthed, ex-Mayor of a small Minnesotan who now tries to make a living selling snowblowers. When the demon Marlinspike offers him a chance to become the next President of the United States, Jack jumps at the chance and sells his soul. Literally.

Created by Sam Humphries (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Tommy Patterson (Game of Thrones), this horrifically hilarious tale couldn’t have come along at a better time, as the campaign for the 2016 Presidential Election is currently in full swing, with candidates like Donald Trump making headlines daily for his unfiltered viewpoints. Reading Citizen Jack, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was satirical reaction to what’s currently happening in the campaign. However, this was written long before it even started apparently, which makes it one of the most socially relevant coincidences in quite some time.

As funny as Citizen Jack is – and it is hysterical – you can tell that it’s a story born from. and fuelled by. anger. There’s a strong undercurrent of scathing political hatred throughout, but it’s never projected in a way that’s detrimental to the story. With satire, there’s always a risk of commentary seeping through and diluting the entertainment, but that is not the case here. Laughs and chills are more prominent than the ‘’message.’’ It doesn’t side with a political ideology either; the frustration comes from the system itself rather than a party. So if you’re worried about it being bogged down by a writer’s political agenda, don’t be: it’s completely neutral. Although, if you’re a person who sees the corruption in politics and hates it as a result, you’re going to absolutely adore Citizen Jack. But if you just want to laugh at some fun horror comedy, you won’t be disappointed – unless you don’t find unhinged humour funny, that is. This story has a potty mouth to go along with its sharp tongue, satire and wit.

I’ve never read a Faustian tale this funny in my entire life. It also happens to be one of the best political satires in a long, long time. This is a very impressive start and I can’t wait to read the next issue. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5/5.

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The writer of this piece was: Kieran Fisher
Kieran Tweets from @HairEverywhere_.

One response to “Review – Citizen Jack #1 (Image Comics)”

  1. […] CITIZEN JACK is this year’s funniest series, and it’s essential reading for those who appreciate a good ol’ fashioned political satire – especially ones that are absolutely scathing.  Not only that, but it scarily reflects the current US Presidential Campaign, despite being in the works before it even started. […]

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