The-Legendary-Star-Lord-1-Cover-8dd91Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Paco Medina/Juan Vlasco
Release Date: 2nd July 2014

It’s a big week for Guardians of the Galaxy fans this week, with no less than three brand new books for us to get our grubby little paws on. I’m not going to lie, I initially wasn’t going to pick this book up at all, I’d pretty much written it off as a cheap movie tie-in and had my money pegged on Rocket Raccoon being my book of the week. However, after reading Humphries recent AMA, I found myself compelled to pick it up, and it might very well have been the best decision I’ve made all week (apart from spending the last two days at the beach, but that’s neither here nor there).

While Rocket Raccoon was all sleaze and guns, this is a much more compelling story. If anything, it focuses on Peter Quill’s love of space, and him remembering where he came from, rather than the element gun toting son of J’Son we’re so used to reading in Bendis’ most recent GoTG run. There’s more than a hint of Mal Reynolds about the way he’s written here and that’s no bad thing. Humphries has spent more time here developing the character and setting the scene than most probably would, and while it does hurt the pace of the book slightly, it definitely made it no less enjoyable.

Medina’s art is as good as it always is, with *that* splash panel being the sort of thing I’d want to put up in a gallery. There are hints of movie Quill creeping into his design, with a hint of Chris Pratt shining through on a few panels, but I’m really loving the new suit design that’s a far cry from the military-esque look from the last GoTG run.

One that should appeal to new fans, or rookies trying to find a jump on book after watching the film, Legendary Star-Lord ticks all the boxes and features a final page that wouldn’t seem out of place in “Original Sin”. There’s more than enough to keep you coming back for more here, folks.

Rating: 4/5.

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
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