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Publisher: Image Comics (Shadowline)
Writer: Kurtis J Wiebe
Artwork: Tess Fowler
Release Date: 16th March, 2016

Talk about a rollercoaster! This is the issue that fans are going to be talking about for years to come. It had so many twists that it was almost too much, but somehow Wiebe and Fowler managed to pull it off. I think?

Straight off the bat, this issue has one of the most surprising pages I’ve ever seen in a comic. I understand why it was there, I respect why it was there, and Tess Fowler has knocked it out the proverbial park with her depiction. However, I’m struggling to see in what context it was necessary.

In fact, that seems to be a theme with the whole issue. I really enjoyed the risks that were taken by the creative team, the payoff was massive and wholly unexpected, but I still just don’t quite see where it all came from? The events of this issue were so completely out of left field that it was more shocking than anything else.

The Queens have been characters I’ve grown to love over their tenure and I feel like I’ve come to know them, and I just don’t see where this side of Hannah has came from?

That being said, and fanboy angst put aside for the purposes of the review, this is going to be a Marmite issue if ever there was one, but if there is one thing everyone can agree on it’s the fact that Tess Fowler is an absolutely incredible artist. Her work on the series so far has been outstanding, but it’s this issue where she really gets to shine, and genuinely ties it all together. There are other artists out there that could have drawn it, but there wouldn’t have been the same delicate touch Fowler brings to her work, or same the attention to detail that makes the pages grab your attention.

Honestly, I think I need a little time to think about this issue. I need to talk to people and find out what what they thought about it. I need to know where the creative team are going with it.

For that reason alone, and for it being one of the most thought provoking issues I’ve ever read of a series, it gets a perfect score. I might not have “enjoyed” it, but I can’t help respecting why it was needed.

Rating: 5/5.

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article Archive: And Now For Something Completely Different
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