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Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writers: Brenden Fletcher & Kelly Thompson
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Release Date: 1st June, 2016

What happened to Kimberly once she left the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (aside from being turned evil briefly by Divatox in the Turbo movie)? This is what Brenden Fletcher and Kelly Thompson set out to answer in this latest BOOM! Studios Power Rangers mini series.

I did go through a roller coaster of thoughts when reading this book but, I’m happy to report that things ultimately ended on a high. Halfway through the book I was worried that it was going to be a bit of a “Katness Everdeen” affair, but it turns out really well and leaves enough plot threads dangling to potentially allow this to potentially become a far darker Power Rangers story than we have ever had.

From a point of personal preference, I would really like to see the creative team to take the darker path set out in front of them, particularly given the fact that Kimberly is no longer a “teenager with attitude”. This new possible role as Zordon’s covert agent could make for some genuinely interesting story possibilities.

The artwork from Daniel Di Nicuolo strikes just the right balance between campy and serious that I have only seen in one or two other books. The new Pink Ranger costume looks so much better than the horror show that is the new movie version, the action scenes are very kinetic and the bulk of the issue is very atmospheric.

As we finish this issue, the series stands at a bit of a crossroads. Depending on how the story progresses, this could be definitely a book to watch, and has the potential to be up there with other IP books like IDW’s Ghostbusters. For the time being however, I’m remaining cautiously optimistic.

Rating: 3/5

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13012810_10209079779014221_9172740812625086955_nThe writer of this piece was: David Gladman
David Tweets from @the_gladrags