Publisher: IDW Publishing
Writer(s): Erik Burnham & Tom Waltz
Artwork: Dan Schoening, Luis Antonio Delgado (colours)

Well here we are again, the Heroes in a Half Shell are back with the boys in grey for the IDW creative team’s first ever sequel series.  Honestly, we’re getting spoiled this year with 101, Answer the Call and now yet another crossover series.

This first issue explodes out of the gate at breakneck speed.  For the returning reader this pace is perfect as it sets up the story quickly so the fun can really begin in the next issue. Unfortunately, if you’re new to the series the effect is nowhere near as good, and I would heartily recommend starting with the first crossover as this issue here isn’t a great jumping on point by any means.

Not being a reader of the TMNT comics I had absolutely no idea who Darius Dun was, but the story clearly sets him up as a fairly complex villain that the Turtles have had to deal with in the past. And that right there is one of the great things about this first issue, and this series in general. You don’t necessarily have to be a reader of both the Ghostbusters and the TMNT ongoing series to enjoy it.

Burnham and Waltz provide enough information from both sides to allow the reader to simply go with the flow and not feel like they’re missing something. Hell, it actually made me want to go and read the TMNT series just to find out about Dun.  The same treatment is given to the Ghostbusters’ returning villains, The Collectors, last seen before the Mass Hysteria event.

Honestly, I cannot rate this creative team highly enough. Time and time again they knock it out of the park. The stories and the art are always amazing, and this latest series is no different.  And yes, it probably goes without saying by now that if you’re a Ghostbusters fan, you should just go ahead and get this.  Seriously.  What are you waiting for?  Do it!

Rating: 4/5.

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13012810_10209079779014221_9172740812625086955_nThe writer of this piece was: David Gladman
David Tweets from @the_gladrags