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Publisher: IDW Publishing
Writers: Dustin Weaver, Ben Bates
Artist: Ben Bates
Release Date: 30th October 2013

This Bebop and Rocksteady origin story is ridiculous. It’s deeply silly and violent and goofy and, considering the pair, entirely appropriate. The scripting is as good as it needs to be and there are a few decent one liners as the two punks throw themselves into the Foot’s mutant experiment without a single thought about the future ramifications of being a giant rhinoceros or warthog.

The action is sketched well and does a good job showing these two reckless, violent idiots messing around in Chinatown. It is a bit rushed in places but the characters look good when they need to and a panel or two made me laugh out loud.

This is not, in any way, a fresh take on these daft villains which might disappoint some but the comic does the job of setting up the two brutes well. I look forward to watching them scrap with the Turtles, Foot soldiers, Police Officers, gangs, random people on the street; basically anybody who is close by.

Without a turtle in sight, it’s a bit of mindless carnage and fun.

Rating: 6/10.

The writer of this piece was: James McQueen