3544909-qw_007_cover_doylePublisher: Valiant Entertainment
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Ming Doyle
Release Date: 8th January 2014

“Change of plans, boys – get this man in my bathtub!” (Magnum)

After the events of last month, Quantum and Woody are in a tasty predicament. Quantum has been captured by a fortified bunch of red necks after the worst display of stealth ever. Woody has been captured by America’s largest private paramilitary contractor. Now, both these bands of maniacs are about to go to war and the worst superhero duo around are completely out of their depth. The farce continues…

The pair have been separated so we get to watch them getting on the nerves of their captors instead of each other for a change. The red necks that have Quantum have no idea what they are talking about and poor Woody has to face Magnum.

Magnum, the boss of the private army, is a crazy ‘fire and brimstone’ sort of Christian. He is a panel hogger thanks to some great dialogue and an immense sense of style; the guy rocks a dirty blond handlebar moustache and Western jacket complete with fringing. He is a total maniac. The lettering even changes when he rants about salvation and the likes which is a great touch.

The dialogue and character expression make this book shine. Some of the glances Quantum and Woody share are hilarious. Woody always makes the time to wind up Quantum no matter how many guns are pointed at them and he always rises to the bait. Pick this up if you fancy a laugh.

Rating: 8/10.

The writer of this piece was: James McQueen
You can also find James on Twitter.

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