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Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Words: Mike Mignola, John Arcudi
Pictures: Julian Totino Tedesco
Release Date: 15th July, 2015

The sledgehammer armour makes a triumphant return! Well, not really, but I’m sure it will at some point. The only thing I could compare this issue to is that moment when you’ve finished a board game, pieces everywhere, and are gradually putting it back together to start again.

There are parts that tie in to the past (Sledgehammer, the flashback sequences, Johann’s armor being trashed, a quick flash of Liz) but it very much feels like Mignola and Arcudi are setting up for something big here, posing quite a few questions in the process.

Julian Totino Tedesco is on art duties this time round and has a beautiful pulpy feel to his work that, while being grounded and gritty, has an almost Frank Quitely-esque aspect to his expressions and how his shapes are formed. With flashbacks having a much darker, sepia tone to them, Dave Stewart does what he does best as he brings to life the art that is set before him. Those last few pages are stunning!

A slow burner as I’ve already said, but a pleasant one. I’ll be interested to see where this goes, as I’m sure things are about to get weird

Rating: 3/5.

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
You can also find Chris on Twitter.