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Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Monty Nero
Artist: Martin Simmonds
Release Date: 9th September, 2015

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before; a corrupt government, a bumbling buffoon as mayor and rioting in the streets of London. Sadly not from a work of fiction, but based on the real life events that took place in London after a teen was killed. Nero wears his heart on his sleeve for this issue, openly mentioning on Twitter the gist of the issue. He handles it well, too, with angles coming from the now familiar “news” segments and from street level with our weed-growing guide.

I have to say, in a world where people are getting powers it would never have occurred to me that there might be some Poison Ivy-esque powers included; albeit powers that are only used for growing product to sell.

Martin Simmonds smashes it again with the artwork on the issue, I can safely say there is a few nightmare inducing panels (you’ll know the ones, and Martin, I’ll never forgive you for burning that into my retinas) but in amongst the carnage of the writing and the depictions of how the government is dealing with it, there’s Verity’s power. With splashes of colours and her creative juices flowing there’s some truly beautiful panel work in this issue and bright, vibrant colouring in use.

However, there’s a continuity error that bothered my straight away and should have been caught by someone before going to print. On page 4, Jeb is shown clearly facing the “audience” while saying how much he loves his partner, yet on the next page when a clip of his rant is shown, he’s a different direction. Now I’m sure an argument could be made that it was shot from a different angle or something else, but as a reader it bothered me. Speaking of things that bothered me, and it really is only a minor niggle, the street talk in this issue really got on my nerves. It reminded me far too much of my Dad trying to sound ‘down with the kids’. Some things should be left to the audiences imagination.

Overall another strong issue from the duo, and with the way it’s going, an ongoing could be the best thing that’s happened to the series as I always thought the mini was too short to tell the story Nero had in mind for us. I really hope choosing the lace doesn’t mean what I think it does though.

Rating: 3/5.

Chris_AvatarThe writer of this piece was: Chris Bennett
Article: And Now For Something Completely Different
You can also find Chris on Twitter.