Just when I thought my geeky budget was safe, along come a bunch of great looking Kickstarter campaigns!

You may have seen a couple of weeks ago when I was talking about the physical release of Cawood’s latest instalment in their ‘Monsters of…’ series (CLICK HERE)

Therein, I mused about how great it would be to see more campaign material over and above the lovely art and stat blocks we’ve become accustomed to. Well, it seems Monsters of Feyland 2, The Well of Dreams, could fulfil just that.

What will be the fifth book in Cawood Publishing’s 5E Monsters series, the campaign for Monsters of Feyland 2 aims to deliver somewhere in the 140-160 pages range. Promising at least 100 new monsters spread over seven regions, it looks like we will get a far greater insight into the Fey realms of Myrr.

“The Well of Dreams has been corrupted and war between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts has begun.”

I like the idea that some of these new monsters may be variants or in some way build upon those that we’ve seen before in the original Feyland book as it remains one of my favourites in the line. That in no way should put anyone off jumping in here mind you. An abundance of aberrations, a gaggle of giants, or a bundle of beasts, each with full colour illustration, stats, and descriptions means there will be oodles of inspiration and material for DMs old and new. On top of that, magical items, discussion on fey flora, tables and tables and tables? I for one am eagerly anticipating getting my mitts on a copy.

Check out the full campaign site HERE until the 8th of June 2022.

The writer of this piece was: Adam Brown
Adam Tweets from @brother_rooster